Zenis is The Religion of The Visionary Man in the Third Millenia.
“Money, Sex, Influence”

“Money, Sex, Influence”
Seek Improvement, not happiness.
If Your Johnson is not HUGE, at least Use It Well.
You can Love Your Parents, without Respecting Them.
Learn Violence, then Master Peace.
Become Rich, FAST. Dario will Guide You.
Fold Origami, Train Nunchakus.
Keep Your Friends close, your Enemies closer.
Say NO to drugs, maybe to alcohol.
Make Love, not war.
Follow Dario to Find Yourself.
From the Holy Desk of Dario Zen…
Dear Friend,
Dark times are those we live in.
Times of depravity.
Moral corruption.
And the loss of True Values that define a Man.
Masculinity. Family. Education.
We are losing them in the battle against Evil.
Because Evil Forces took over everything in our Life.
They took over the Media.
They took over Politics.
They took over schools.
But even worse…
The food we eat…
The water we drink…
Even the air we breathe…
The very sources of Life, Energy, and Well-Being are being depleted and corrupted.
And let’s not talk about the corruption of Masculine Values.
They don’t want you to be a Man.
They want you to be effeminate.
They want you to be weak.
Because when you’re weak, you comply more.
And when you comply, you’re basically a slave.
And your slave mind doesn’t even realize how THEY are manipulating you.
How THEY are sucking away your energy…
Your money…
And your time.
Day after day.
And maybe right now you feel stuck.
Maybe you don’t know what is worthwhile pursuing in Life.
Should I get a job or start my own business?
How do I scale my business?
Should I date multiple women or love only one?
Is Marriage good or just a social construct?
Should I have children?
Is it worth having children in the Corrupted World we live into?
Now, my friend…
If you’ve been battling with some of these questions yourself…
If you’ve felt confused, depressed, or just alone…
Or if you’re just looking for the changes that are looking for you…
Now, I have an interesting Idea for you to consider.
An Idea that might seem unexpected…
But truly unique and extremely important.
I might even say, a very profitable idea, but you’ll be the judge of that.
You see,
As you listen to me…
Relax, sit comfortably…
And look at your screen…
I invite you to take my hand and follow My lead…
As we explore a brief story that may change your life…
A story about Truth, about Power and the Greater Good…
A story that may help you to find yourself, and finally discover yourself.
Now please, pay close attention and watch until the end…
Because this might be the most important Message you listen to…
Not today, not in a month, not in a year…
But in your whole Life.
And I’m absolutely confident in making this statement.
Now, it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe every word I say…
Or as you tune into what I’m about to say next…
You feel a growing excitement to learn more…
What matters is that now, you decide for yourself who you want to trust…
Who you want to believe in…
And who you want to guide you…
As we reach the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow.
My name is Dario Zen,
I’m a 22 year old Italian high-school dropout…
And over the last 3 years, I sold over $1 Billion dollars worth of products
online, profitably…
While travelling the world, meeting the most Powerful people on the Planet, and
enjoying working wherever I wanted…
All that, by mastering the Dark art of Persuasion…
How to use Language to Manipulate People…
To capture and lead their imagination and their emotions…
To fascinate them, intrigue them, excite them…
And to allow them to take the actions I want…
Without realising I’m controlling them…
Because they think my message is their own idea…
And therefore, they won’t resist it.
This applies in Business, where in 3 short years, beginning in August 2021, after I dropped put of high-school, I started working with a Man making $30k a month…
And fast forward today, we’re making 20 Million dollars a month in revenue, over 100 Million dollars a year, profitably. And now have built the fastest growing Billion Dollar Brand in HISTORY.
And from just 2 people, I built a team of 50 passionate Individuals…
All striving to create the Biggest Brands in the world that in the next few years I’m happy to say will totally change the world…
Not only that…
Because the forbidden secrets I learned spending over 200,000 in education, over 100 million dollars in advertising and tens of thousand of hours of gruelling work…
Also allowed me to Master Dating and Seduction, as I become a God of cold approaching and making beautiful women easily fall in love with me, even after 2 hours of meeting them…
And what I learned also applies to any interaction where there are two humans, and one is trying to effectively communicate a Message to the other…
For example, a teacher and a student…
A lover and his lover…
A parent and a child…
Basically, I sold my Soul to the Devil, signed a contract with my blood, and became a Wizard, to master the Dark art of Persuasion to quickly get more Money, Sex and Influence…
That’s why I created the Brand Ghost Persuasion…
And on social Media I call myself The Persuasion Wizard…
But we’ll talk more about that later…
I even know how to hypnotize people…
To allow the Message to penetrate your mind more deeply…
And influence the deeper parts of your Mind like a real Dark Lord…
But again, well talk more about that later…
Now, I don’t care what you may think about what I just told you…
I just want you to know this…
Even if I’m using the Dark Force…
I genuinely believe that I’m a force of Good for this Reality…
And I truly want to Help Humanity coming out of the Dark Age…
That I believe we’ve fallen into…
I actually want to totally change the World…
And I’m making this short video to inspire YOU to help me with this mission…
No matter how crazy or idealist it may seem…
so please pay close attention until the end…
You see, people told me NOT to make this video…
For years, My father thought I was a fraud and literally didn’t talk to me…
I even recorded his insults on my Instagram Profile, as he basically disowned me as a son…
But I don’t care…
Because I know that My Message can withstand any critique…
Even my sister hated me and told me to fuck off…
The only person who always loved me no matter what is My mother, because the one thing that won’t ever change in this world is the love of your Mother…
Everything else changes…
And my humble mission in 2025 is this…
I want to be an agent of Change…
I want to start a movement…
I want to start a revolution and I need your help…
Over the past 22 years of my young life…
I observed Reality…
I observed my Parents…
I observed people my age…
I observed my Teachers…
I observed Business people…
I observed the Leaders of our world…
And I felt betrayed…
I felt lied to…
I felt empty…
Because I felt that what THEY tried to teach Me all my Life…
Was simply wrong…
A big, fat lie…
A facade…
That’s why I call myself a Renegade…
And now I’m gonna briefly tell you My Story…
And at the end, I’m sure that looking back on this moment you’ll see all the value you received…
And realise an amazing decision was about to be made.
Now you see, I was born in an apparently normal family in the northern part of Italy, in Turin…
Not a rich family, but a weird one.
My father is an engineer and also a writer.
He wrote amazing novels, published by the most Prestigious publishing company in Italy…
But while he never got mainstream fame, his work has been recognised by book critiques as masterpieces.
As something that will stand the change of Times and inspire future generations.
My mother, on the other hand, was a simple woman. Daughter of a military leader who successfully conducted his army in the cold and dangerous Russian steppes during World War 2, she had a nice childhood.
Until her mother, my grandmother, suddenly died of cancer when she was just 14 years old.
Just imagine, a child, so young, losing her mother. Her innocence shattered.
My grandfather remarried, but the woman who entered their lives was cruel, venomous.
It was as if the Devil himself possessed her. She tore apart all the beauty and wealththat my Grandmother had built.
She stole, lied, and made my young mother’s life a living Hell.
My grandfather, lost in his madness, still hunted by the Ghosts of the Great War, could not protect the family that once was his anchor.
And so, he succumbed to his broken mind, passing away the very night I was born.
What I have left of him is a huge collection of Pinocchio books of Pinocchio. Other than war books, his only passion in life was collecting everything connected to the beautiful story of Pinocchio, the piece of wood transformed into a boy by a Magical Fairy.
I conserve his collection as a legacy and will pass it down to my children.
Now, on a casual night on the 10th of March, 2003, I was born.
But I wasn’t born like any other child.
I was instantly diagnosed with a rare gut disease called Megacolon, where basically, the last section of your gut is not functional.
If I were born 50 years prior, my chance of living would have been 50/50. But thanks to Modern technologies and the help of Doctors I will be eternally grateful to, I was able to live, and not talk to you.
It wasn’t easy. When I was just 3 months old, they extracted my whole intestine from my body. And it layed outside me, on my but, for 2 weeks.
My parents had to stay awake 24/7 for 14 long days, taking turns every 30 minutes to pour some medical liquid on my open intestine for it to heal. I will be eternally grateful for them, Bó matter how many arguments or fights we had.
Because love is not expressed by words. It’s expressed by actions. And with this video, my mission is to inspire you to take the actions that would bring more love to the world, to the people you love, and to yourself. So please bear with me till the end.
My childhood, all in all, was pretty privileged. My parents weren’t Rich. My father was earning 2000 euros a month, when he was working, but for years he totally dedicated himself to writing, while being supported by my mother’s finances.
My mother didn’t quite work, at least not in the sense that society expects women to work nowaday.
She has a few rental priorities that sustained her, my father and me, and still do.
But make no mistake, she actually endured herself in the hardest work in the world. Being a mother. Giving her full attention, 24/7, 365 days a year, to me. No matter how she felt, and no matter the financial struggles she endured.
She always made sure I had 1 hour a day of fresh air outside, cooked the best food she could afford, and allowed me to meet friends and practise martial arts.
I became obsessed with Bruce Lee movies at a young age. My father, passionate about cinema, as he wrote a few movies himself, fascinated me by showing me all these great moves that defined the History of Cinema.
I began practising karate, aikido, and eventually I fell in love with Kung Fu. Specifically, Hung-Gar Kung Fu.
Did you know the word Kung-Fu in Chinese just means “A thing done well”? And there are hundreds of different styles of Kung Fu, each developed by a different family or village in China, to defend themself from predators and thieves, even if they had no weapons.
Talking about weapons, I totally fell in love with practicing Nunchaku. My father is to blame. He bought me a black, rubber nunchaku when I was only 10. And since then, I practised with nunchucks for 12 years. You can see some of my crazy moves on my Instagram profile, but it doesn’t matter now.
With Kung-Fu, I found what I had missed in all my young life. My teacher, Shifu, has become like a Father to me. He embodied all the strong, masculine values that were missing in my father. Strict, disciplined, and a real badass, who won fighting competitions all over Europe. He even lost a few fingers on his left hand, after throwing some Knockout blows that destroyed his opponents in competition. He was a real G.
Through hundreds of hours of training, sparring, and sweating, he teaches my discipline, respect, and the art of war. I will be eternally grateful to him.
Not only KungFu, I became fascinated by chess from a young age, and even won some competitions, but eventually abandoned it until I discovered his beauty again later in life.
And my final passion, or addiction if you may call it that, was folding Origami.
When I was 6 years old, my father showed me a little origami of a rabbit. I was shocked. He teached me how to take an uncut square of paper, fold it, and create beautiful art with it.
I’ve been folding ultra complex origami for 16 years now, and in the future I plan to sell some of my artworks.
But here where things get really interesting.
School has always been easy for me. I didn’t really study much, but I’ve always been a straight-A student. Unlike my younger sister, who made my parents go into absolute Hell because she didn’t really do that well, even though she’s very smart.
In high school I fell in love with Latin, Ancient Greek, literature and philosophy.
I was fascinated by the great thinkers through History, by reading the Iliad, the Odyssey, and all the works of ancient philosophers, who encapsulated in words a kind of wisdom that is eternal, and still applies to modern days.
That’s why I’m also writing a Philosophical book, called “Mapling Reality”, which I hope will help future generations better navigate through the complex world we now live in.
But it wasn’t all flowers and rainbows.
During high-school, I became severely depressed. I couldn’t explain why. I felt like my teachers, my parents and all the adults I knew back then, were all speaking a language I couldn’t understand.
I’ve never seen myself living the lives they were living. You know, studying at university, getting a job, getting married, having children, enjoy the games on Friday nights, going to the movies on the weekend, having sex once a week, if they were lucky, and working 40 hours a week in a job that underpaid them, no matter how much effort they would put into it.
I didn’t want to live this life. It seemed to me that the rules of the game were rigged, and everybody was being played, instead of playing.
That’s why at the end of the second-last year of high school, at 18 years old, I dropped out.
Everyone was shocked. My friends, my teachers, not to talk about my parents.
You can imagine them, people who studied all their life and followed the traditional path everyone took. When their first son, apparently so successful in school, suddenly dropped out, they were devastated.
But they couldn’t do anything about it.
You see, in the Summer before I dropped out, I started working to earn some money to become independent.
I was sick and tired of living with my Mother, who, as much as I love her, didn’t
quite have her Mental Health right enough for me to endure another year of living together.
Not to mention Covid, which totally changed how I experienced education in my last 2 years of school.
Back in 2020, as you know, when the Pandemic exploded, Italy was the first country to go into lock down. We stopped going to school and our precious education was transformed into boring, emotionless Zoom classes from the comfort of our
own home.
I totally lost all of the passion I had for studying. I began using my wit to chat on every exam, every test, to work as little as possible just to get a grade and fuck off.
But looking back on those days, I’m actually grateful for everything that happened to me, because it shaped the person I am today.
I even had my 6-month study trip to Australia cancelled because of the Pandemic.
My father had invested €10,000 in that Erasmus and then hardly got his money back.
And those 10,000 that we didn’t spend on my education became the turning point of
my life.
Somehow, right after I turned 18 and I was still in school, I convinced him to lend it to me to start my ecommerce business. I’ll admit, I used very manipulative tactics to convince him to do so, but it was for the greater good.
The day he lent me the money, he looked me in the eyes and made me promise with my heart to finish school. I had already talked to him about my dissatisfaction with it. But I looked him in the eyes, and solemnly promised him that regardless if my business was going to work or not, I would finish the last year of high-school.
I lied.
And I knew it very well, in the moment I was giving him my word, that I was lying.
But the pain was just too unbearable. I had to escape. I could NOT live any other day suffering as much as I was.
My first business failed miserably, and I drained those 10k very fast. But with the last 3k that were sitting in my bank account, I made the greatest decision I took in my whole life.
I bought a copywriting course from a Marketing Guru I was following. That one irrational decision would completely shape my destiny from that point on.
I became obsessed with copywriting, marketing, psychology, and studying human nature.
Why people act the way they act, how decisions are made, and what compelspeople to spend money, to love, to lie, to cheat, to steal, and to amazing things.
At 18 years old, I devoured every Marketing book, video, and online course I could get my hands on. I spent ALL of the little money I was earning on education, without worrying about not having money for food or whatever. Turns out, it was the best thing I ever did.
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